Compound Cattle Feed

Cattle Feed has important role in milk production business; about 60 % milk production cost covers the balance feed of milch animals. Cattle feed has important role in quality of milk, health, production and reproduction of the Animals. As per the basic requirement of member milk producers, first cattle feed plant was established in 1969 at Boriavi and as per increasing demand of cattle feed, second plant was established in 1981 at Ubkhal. After step by step expansion in both the plant production capacity was 900 M.T. per day in the year 2011. Demand was increasing more than the existing production capacity. To fulfill the increasing requirement of cattle feed, third cattle plant of 1000 M.T. capacity per day with full atomization was established in 2012 at Jagudan. We also have our separate laboratory for raw material and laboratory for finished good, equipped with Automatic Protein Analyser, Automatic Fat Analyser, NIR (Near Infrared) Analyser.

The production takes place according to the demand of our members milk producers which is provided by them on the basis of production efficiency of their milch animals. The cattle feed is supplied through village DCS on no profit no loss basis. Supply of cattle feed milk replacer, calf starter and medicated feed also takes place as it plays a significant role in calf rearing which is important in Animal Husbandry.

As the cattle feed production capacity is strong, we are able to provide cattle feed to other needy cooperative milk unions and in our milk shed of Rajasthan and Haryana States as demanded by milk producers and in open market too.

- Sagardan
- Sagar Hyprodan
- Sagar Bhainsdan
- Dudhsagar Samriddhi Dan
- Sagar Booster Cheleted Plus
- Calf Starter
- Pashu Poshak
- Medicated feed