Dudhsagar Dairy
Mehsana District Co-operative Milk Producers’ Union Ltd.

100% Tagging

100% Tagging

EID (Electronic Identification & Registration of Dairy Animals)

100% Tagging program implemented in Mehsana Milk shed area with financial support of Govt.of Gujarat in 2013-14 with target of Coverage of 7,00,000 Animals. This project has been completed and closed in the year 2013-14.

Main Objectives were:

  • To register the animal applying Bar Coded Plastic Ear Tag.
  • Accurate data recording of each and every event that had occurred on the animal viz. AI, PD, Calving, Vaccination, Deworming, Treatment etc.
  • Future Planning for Productivity Enhancement can be possible focussing on thrust areas. Focus areas are making available by analysis of data of an animal (Health, Breeding, Feeding etc.)
  • We can use Animal ID in each and every Project activities like PEP, CRP,RBP,PT.PB ,MCP for actual online data recording and Report generation.
  • A farmer can avail animal insurance facility on this ID also.

Implementation process

EID (100% Tagging & Registration of Dairy Animals) is a project in which we intend to cover almost all the dairy animals of our milk shed area. Govt. Of Gujarat had assisted financially for coverage of 7,00,000 animals. As on day animal status is being registered online into INAPH software (an official software of NDDB : Information Network for Animal Productivity and Health)

Screenshot of INAPH Software of Animal Registration

Animal Husbandry, Dairy Farming

Dudhsagar Patrika

Dudhsagar Patrika is a magazine published by Dudhsagar Dairy which provides activity updates of Dudhsagar Dairy and learning on Dairy Farming, Cattle Feed, Animal Husbandry, Women Empowerment etc.


Dudhsagar Dairy,
Mehsana District Co-operative Milk Producers' Union Ltd.
Post Box No.1,
Gujarat 384 002,